I would love to meet you in creative conversation. The kind of encounter where all of you is invited to show up. Where we can host your present and your potential and new connections can emerge.

We might focus on your creativity, or we might simply bring a creative approach to unpacking and relating to whatever is keeping you stuck. Here are three ways we could work together:

Creativity coaching: If you have a creative idea, I would love to be your creativity doula. Maybe you have just a flicker or a whisper of an idea that’s appeared on the periphery of your awareness. I can offer you a safe incubatory space to nurture and encourage that seed to bud. Or, maybe you’re already a bit down the path but have run out of steam and could use an injection of fresh energy to boost your momentum into the next phase. Clients leave these conversations with excitement and clarity, but more importantly, having fallen more in love with their idea and more confident in their creativity. These sessions can be one-off or I can become a fairy godmother for your creative project on an ongoing basis.

Career coaching: If you’re feeling trapped in a corporate hamster wheel and looking to transition into more meaningful or more creative work I would love to help you connect with what lights you up, brainstorm possibilities to explore, and offer concrete suggestions that can smooth your journey. I’ve made three career changes myself, interviewed dozens of career changers as part of my PhD research, and coached many clients on career transitions.

Life coaching: If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know exactly what’s wrong or where to start I would love to help you make sense of where you are at this point in your life and untangle what’s holding you back from your next phase of growth. I’ve been trained in integral coaching and somatic coaching and love meeting my clients in all their complexity. From relationships and workplace challenges to spirituality and embodiment, we’ll take a holistic and integrated look at your life. I’ll design a coaching program that is tailored to you with practices and resources that will empower you to experience more freedom and wholeness.

If you feel like we might be a good fit, email me at jennifer.lynch84@gmail.com so we can find a time for a free chemistry conversation.